Roseann DeNardis, CDP Memorial Photo Album

Please leave a comment to share your thoughts and memories of Sister Roseann.


  1. My outstanding memory of Sr. Roseanne was her graciousness and genuine concern for me, exhibited in her lovely smile whenever we met. My condolences to Sandy.

    Carolyn Gutowski, Chevy Chase, MD



  2. Sr. Roseanne was my introduction to the Sisters of Divine Providence, coming to know her through my aunt and uncle. Because of her gracious and thoughtful demeanor, and calm assurance, I had the privilege of spending five formative years as a young Sister of Divine Providence. These years certainly influenced the rest of my life. In later years she was kind enough to nominate me for the inaugural class of Distinguished Alumni at La Roche University; I have had a renewed and deep reconnection with LRU since, and again this has been life giving. This February I had the chance to visit Sr. Roseanne, and personally thank her for all that she has done and been for me through these many years. I feel very privileged to have been touched by her. 



  3. Sr Roseanne stood out as exceptional in so many ways – extra smart, funny and most of all – kind. To her sister and all those who knew and loved her, I offer my condolences.

    Alene Valkanas



  4. I am sorry to hear of Sr. Roseanne’s death. Please send the details of the funeral and express my sincere sympathy to Sandy Sr. Rita Yeasted,SFCC



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